Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6 - At the branch office in Kauai

      We slept on the beach near Kapa'a last night, and watched an awesome moonrise over the Pacific.

      Problem was, the bright moon, coupled with an under-inflated air mattress, made for a poor night's sleep.  Plus, the calm waves when we crawled into the tent picked up energy during the night, and visions from our visit to the Tsunami Museum in Hilo a few days ago wove their way into my dreams.

     However, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and coffee for breakfast brought joy in the morning.

...   ...   ...

      We just finished hiking up The Sleeping Giant.  Now were sucking down milkshakes and parfaits at the office before heading up to Hanalei to camp.

     According to the guidebook Kauai Revealed, you have to be foolish, crazy, and well-insured to continue the hike from the picnic area at the end of the trail to the chin of the sleeping giant.  Not only did we climb up, but Diana gave me butt-puckers by posing at the top.  She wouldn't come down until I took her photo.

     I doubt if we'll be getting any Wifi for the next few days.  See you later.


  1. Well I guess we know who I get my love of heights from!-KDB

  2. I believe a picture of our butt puckering is in order. I hope you are picking avocados and guavas off the ground in that area. We made guacamole everything and still had leftovers. Enjoy!

  3. Hugh the fruit farmer warned us there is something called Rat Lung Virus here that slugs pick up from rat poop and deposit on fruit that lies on the ground. Causes nervous and mental problems. So, we've stayed away from anything with tentacle reach of the ground. However, perhaps the virus has only shown up since you were here, or perhaps you now have an explanation for any "issues" that may have arisen. Kevin
