Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 22 - On to the big island

Flying into our next island.

        While waiting to get our car, I struck up a conversation with Rashad, telling him how much I liked his hat.  One thing lead to another, and soon he had his cello out.  He can play classical, blues, and jazz, but his favorite style is to hang it around his neck and play it like an Irish fiddle.  I thought to myself, "This kid has talent."  He played an impromptu concert for that lasted at least 20 minutes.
    Turns out he's a Berklee scholarship winning, Grammy nominated, TED talking  professional musician who co-teaches with Mark O'Connor. His full name is Rashad Eggleston.  He's currently on tour in Hawaii. And I thought his plan was be out on the street somewhere taking donations in his Pied Piper hat.  Well, at least I'm a good judge of talent.  Check him out on YouTube.

       After finally getting our car, we took a drive into Hilo, "The Rainiest City in America."  We only saw low dark clouds. We hung out in the beautiful Japanese inspired city park for a couple of hours before driving to our Airbnb.
Grandma teaching her little grandson how to catch crabs from the ponds.

Racing Polynesian canoes.

Diana swinging from hanging banyan roots.
We're headed up onto the mountain and won't have any wifi for awhile.  See you in a couple days.


  1. Good. Blogging! Funny quirk, though. At times only half the photos download. And in no apperant order. But fun and interesting. GS in Az. I think I met your children in Florence Italy in 1980. How come I gained 100 pounds but you lost hair! Enjoy!

  2. You've got to turn off the parental censorship controls to see those photos. Or maybe Hawaii wifi loads stuff weirdly. I don't know. Thank for reading.
