Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 28 - A relaxing day at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, or, Indiana Jones and the Bottomless Pit

     The Polynesian people who settled Hawaii had a complex religious program that ended suddenly in 1818 when King Kamehameha decided to join the rest of the western world and become a Christian (more or less. It was actually much more complicated than that, but that's besides the point.) The National Park Service has reconstructed/recreated an ancient Royal Palace and Place of Refuge that is also a center for the rebirth of Hawaiian culture.

 This is a game called Konane that uses lava and coral pieces on a board with little pits.  Amy bought one;  Hawaiian Airlines is gonna flip when they try to load it into the hold of the airplane.  If she manages to get it back to Ohio you'll all get to play on Cinco de Mayo.

 Hand hewn outrigger canoe used to teach youngsters how their forebears got around the island.

After getting our fill of Hawaiian culture, we had PB&J here on the beach, then took a hike.

On the trail of ...

... a deep hole.  

 OK, checked the hole.  Nothing there.  Time to head back.

I'm disappointed that my career as a famous archaeologist ended so abruptly.

 Diana and Amy draw straws to see who gets to dive over the cliff into the seething ocean below.

 Diana lost.  However, as a consolation prize she gets to dip her toes in this tide pool. 

After our adventures, we headed to our next Airbnb.  Stopping first at a Safeway for beer, wine and ingredients to make spaghetti, we stood for a few minutes in the parking lot and admired these sun spots on the Pacific Ocean..

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